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[ISW] 러시아 공세 캠페인 평가, 2024년 2월 24일

by Summa posted Feb 25, 2024


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```html 우크라이나 전쟁 2주년: 주요 사항

주요 사항:

  • 우크라이나는 러시아의 전면 침공이 시작된 지 2년이 지난 지금도 러시아의 침략과 우크라이나의 국가와 정체성을 파괴하려는 크렘린의 시도에 맞서 싸우고 있습니다.
  • 우크라이나의 유럽 및 캐나다 파트너들은 러시아의 전면 침공 2주년을 기념하여 우크라이나에 추가 지원을 약속하고 우크라이나의 유럽 연합(EU) 가입을 논의했습니다.
  • 러시아 야당 언론은 2022년 2월 전면 침공이 시작된 이후 우크라이나에서 75,000명 이상의 러시아인이 사망했다고 추정했습니다.
  • 러시아 국방부(MoD)는 러시아 중부군 사령관인 안드레이 모르드비체프 대령과 러시아의 아브디이프카 점령을 계속 강조하고 있습니다.
  • 모르드비체프는 우크라이나에서 러시아군에 대한 지속적인 비판에 대응하기 위한 노력의 일환으로 아브디이프카 점령에서 러시아의 기술적, 전술적 적응을 강조했습니다.
  • 러시아 고위 군사 관리들은 러시아의 명백한 전쟁 범죄에 대한 책임을 자신들에서 벗어나 중하위 계급의 러시아 사령관들에게 전가하려고 할 가능성이 큽니다.
  • 최근 러시아 여론 조사에 따르면 우크라이나 전쟁에 대한 러시아인의 감정은 최근 몇 달 동안 크게 변하지 않았지만, 또 다른 동원 물결은 널리 인기가 없을 것이라고 제안합니다.
  • 우크라이나 특수 부대는 2월 23-24일 밤 러시아 최대의 야금 공장 중 하나를 드론 공격했습니다.
  • 우크라이나 보고서에 따르면 2월 23일에 격추된 A-50 장거리 레이더 탐지 항공기는 다른 곳에서 러시아 항공 작전을 일시적으로 중단했습니다.
  • 러시아 정보 공간 관계자들은 2월 23일 A-50 격추에 계속 대응하고 있으며 우크라이나가 최근 러시아 항공기 격추에 책임이 있다는 것을 대체로 부인했습니다.
  • 러시아군은 2월 24일 접촉선 전체에 걸쳐 계속된 위치 교전 속에서 바흐무트와 아브디이프카 근처와 서부 자포리자주에서 확인된 진전을 이루었습니다.
  • 인도 당국은 러시아 당국에 우크라이나에서 러시아를 위해 싸우는 인도 시민들을 "조기 퇴원"시켜 달라고 요청했습니다.
  • 러시아 정부는 러시아 국방 산업 기반(DIB)을 지원하고 점령 지역에 대한 러시아의 통제를 강화할 가능성이 있는 점령된 우크라이나에서 인프라 및 물류 개발을 지원하기 위한 노력을 계속하고 있습니다.


  • 군사
  • 정치
  • 외교

관련된 주요국가:

  • 우크라이나
  • 러시아
  • 미국

향후 전망:

  • 러시아는 우크라이나에서 계속 공세를 이어갈 것으로 예상되며, 우크라이나는 러시아의 침략에 계속 저항할 것으로 예상됩니다.
  • 러시아와 우크라이나 간의 전쟁은 장기화될 것으로 예상되며, 양측 모두 상당한 인명 및 물적 피해를 입을 것으로 예상됩니다.
  • 전쟁은 유럽의 안보 질서에 중대한 영향을 미칠 것으로 예상되며, 러시아와 서방 국가 간의 관계를 악화시킬 것으로 예상됩니다.


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Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment

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Riley Bailey, Nicole Wolkov, Christina Harward, Grace Mappes, and Frederick W. Kagan

February 24, 2024, 7pm ET

Click here to see ISW's interactive map of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This map is updated daily alongside the static maps present in this report.

Click here to see ISW’s 3D control-of-terrain topographic map of Ukraine. The use of a computer (not a mobile device) is strongly recommended for accessing this data-heavy tool.

Click here to access ISW’s archive of interactive time-lapse maps of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. These maps complement the static control-of-terrain maps that ISW produces daily by showing a dynamic frontline.

Ukraine continues to defend against Russian aggression and the Kremlin’s attempt to destroy Ukrainian statehood and identity despite growing difficulties two years after the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion. Two years ago Russia launched a full-scale war of conquest to overthrow the Ukrainian government and forcibly install a pro-Russian regime firmly under Moscow’s control. Russian forces drove on Kyiv from several directions and struck at Kharkiv, Kherson, Mariupol, and other Ukrainian cities. Russian President Vladimir Putin expected Ukrainians to welcome his forces or flee. Instead, Ukrainians fought for their freedom. They stopped the Russian drives on Kyiv and Kharkiv cities, stopped the Russian advance on Mykolayiv and Odesa cities, and fought Putin’s troops to a standstill along the rest of the line. Then, armed with experience, courage, determination, and growing Western aid, Ukraine struck back. Ukrainian forces drove the Russians from Kyiv and away from Kharkiv and liberated large swathes of territory in northeastern Ukraine. They liberated Kherson City and forced Russian forces off the west (right) bank of the Dnipro River. They ended the threat to Ukraine’s existence for the time.


But the Russians did not abandon their war aims or slacken their military operations. They remained in control of areas strategically and economically vital to Ukraine’s survival and of millions of Ukrainians whom they are subjecting to brutal Russification campaigns and deportation schemes. The Russians launched a missile and drone campaign against Ukraine’s energy infrastructure and cities that continues to this day. The Russians then ground through the eastern city of Bakhmut, taking losses so devastating that they prompted an armed rebellion against Moscow. The Russians also prepared themselves for the expected Ukrainian 2023 counteroffensive. The excessive hopes for that counteroffensive were not met. The war assumed a positional character, and the expected US assistance has been held up.

The situation today is grave, but it is far from hopeless. Russian forces have regained the initiative across the theater and are attacking and making gains. Those gains thus far are very limited and extremely costly. More Russian soldiers have likely died to seize Avdiivka than died in the entire Soviet-Afghan war. Ukrainians are weary and worried that American military assistance will cease, but they continue to fight with determination, ingenuity, and skill. Ukraine’s air defenders are dropping Russian planes from the sky while Ukrainian drone- and missile operators sink Russian ships. And Ukrainian soldiers are fighting for their positions against Russian “meat assaults” using drones in novel ways as well as the artillery, tanks, and traditional weapons of war available to them. The Ukrainian Air Force will receive its first F-16s in the coming months, and Ukraine’s European allies are racing to make good deficiencies in other war materiel. American military assistance remains essential—only the United States has the resources to give Ukraine right now what Ukraine most needs. If the United States, in the end, withholds that aid, then the situation can become very grave indeed.

But the war is far from over. Ukraine has not lost and there is no reason for Ukraine to lose. Russians are adapting for a long war effort in Ukraine, but they are not the Red Army hordes wrapped in the triumphant banners of World War II victories that Putin and his propagandists pretend them to be. The Russian military suffers from many flaws that Ukraine has learned to exploit. And the combined economic power of Ukraine’s allies is many times that of Russia.


Putin remains a deadly threat to NATO as well as to Ukraine, however. The Kremlin has been setting conditions to conduct hybrid warfare operations in the Baltic States and Finland for months and is currently engaged in such operations against Moldova. Putin’s aims remain the destruction of NATO as an effective alliance, the breaking of the tie between the United States and Europe, and the construction of a new global order in which Russia’s voice and power are dominant. The interests of America, Europe, and America’s allies in Asia and around the world are inextricably tied with helping Ukraine defeat Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ukraine continues to defend against Russian aggression and the Kremlin’s attempt to destroy Ukrainian statehood and identity despite growing difficulties two years after the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion.

  • Ukraine’s European and Canadian partners commemorated the second anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion by committing additional aid to Ukraine and discussing Ukraine’s integration into the European Union (EU).

  • Russian opposition media estimated that upwards of 75,000 Russian personnel have died in Ukraine since the start of the full-scale invasion in February 2022.

  • The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) continues to highlight Russian Central Grouping of Forces Commander Colonel General Andrei Mordvichev and Russia’s seizure of Avdiivka.

  • Mordvichev highlighted Russian technological and tactical adaptations in the Russian seizure of Avdiivka in a likely effort to address persistent criticisms of Russian forces in Ukraine.

  • Senior Russian military officials likely are attempting to deflect responsibility for high-profile apparent Russian war crimes away from themselves and onto mid- and low-level Russian commanders.

  • A recent Russian opinion poll indicates that Russian sentiments about the war in Ukraine have largely remained unchanged in recent months, but notably suggests that another mobilization wave would be widely unpopular.

  • Ukrainian special services conducted a drone strike on one of Russia’s largest metallurgical plants on the night of February 23-24.

  • Ukrainian reporting indicated that the A-50 long-range radar detection aircraft shot down on February 23 temporarily halted Russian aviation operations elsewhere in the theater.

  • Russian information space actors continued responding to the February 23 A-50 shootdown and largely denied that Ukraine is responsible for the downing of any recent Russian aircraft.

  • Russian forces recently made confirmed advances near Bakhmut and Avdiivka and in western Zaporizhia Oblast amid continued positional engagements along the entire line of contact on February 24.

  • Indian authorities have asked Russian authorities for the “early discharge” of Indian citizens fighting for Russia in Ukraine.

  • The Russian government continues efforts to support infrastructure and logistics development in occupied Ukraine likely to support the Russian defense industrial base (DIB) and solidify Russian control over occupied areas.

Click here to read the full assessment.

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