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[ISW] 러시아 공세 캠페인 평가, 2024년 2월 29일

by Summa posted Mar 01, 2024


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

```html Key Takeaways: 2023년 3월 1일

주요 요점:

  • 우크라이나 관리들은 서방의 안보 지원이 지속적으로 지연될 경우 2024년 여름에 러시아가 상당한 영토를 확보할 가능성에 대해 우려하고 있다고 합니다.
  • 러시아 대통령 블라디미르 푸틴은 2월 29일 연방 의회에서 연설을 통해 러시아 국민들에게 자신의 다음 임기가 우크라이나에서의 러시아 군사적 성공으로 정의될 것이지만 사회 및 경제적 복지가 침체되거나 감소하는 대가는 아니라고 확신시키려고 했습니다.
  • 푸틴은 연방 의회 연설에서 협상과 핵 위협에 대한 지친 수사를 사용하여 연설에 대한 서방의 관심을 끌어 지속적인 크렘린 정보 작전을 홍보할 가능성이 높습니다.
  • 푸틴은 연방 의회 연설에서 러시아의 지속적인 인구 위기를 해결하기 위해 2024년을 "가족의 해"로 크렘린의 국내 초점을 강조했습니다.
  • 푸틴은 친러 몰도바 분리주의 지역 트란스니스트리아의 대의원 의회가 2월 28일에 요청한 것에 응답하지 않았지만, 이러한 응답 부족은 크렘린이 나중에 몇 가지 가능한 행동 방침(COA)을 여전히 제공합니다.
  • 우크라이나군은 2월 28일과 29일에 동부 우크라이나에서 Su-34 전투기를 3대 더 격추했습니다.
  • 크렘린은 여전히 자국 영토 내에서 취한 행동에 대해 NATO 회원국 및 구 소련 국가의 시민들에게 러시아 연방법을 시행할 자 arrogated 권리를 주장하고 있습니다.
  • 아르메니아 총리 니콜 파시냔은 러시아 관리들이 아르메니아의 CSTO 참여 감소를 인정하지 않으면서 러시아 주도 집단 안보 조약 기구(CSTO)가 아르메니아 안보에 위협이라고 말했습니다.
  • 크렘린은 각 기관 내에서 애국심과 역사를 증진하기 위해 모든 연방 기관에 고위 직책을 신설한 것으로 알려졌으며, 이는 연방 직원에 대한 정보 및 이념적 통제를 강화하는 것을 목표로 할 가능성이 높습니다.
  • 러시아군은 2월 29일 전선을 따라 계속된 위치 교전 속에서 아브디이프카 근처에서 확실한 진전을 이루었습니다.
  • 러시아 국영 방위 대기업 로스테크의 세르게이 체메조프 대표는 2월 29일 로스테크가 러시아군에 A-50 항공기가 더 필요하기 때문에 미확인 일정에 따라 A-50 장거리 레이더 탐지 항공기를 생산할 계획이라고 밝혔습니다.
  • 점령 관리들은 점령된 우크라이나에서 종교 단체에 대한 추가 통제를 확보하려는 크렘린의 노력을 계속 지원합니다.

분류: 군사, 정치, 사회 관련 주요국가: 러시아, 우크라이나, 아르메니아 향후 전망: 러시아는 계속해서 우크라이나에서 영토를 확보하고 서방의 지원을 약화시키기 위해 노력할 것입니다. 크렘린은 또한 아르메니아와 몰도바와 같은 다른 구 소련 국가들에 대한 영향력을 확대하기 위해 노력할 것입니다.


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Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment

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Riley Bailey, Nicole Wolkov, Angelica Evans, Grace Mappes, and Frederick W. Kagan

February 29, 2024, 8:15pm ET

Click here to see ISW's interactive map of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This map is updated daily alongside the static maps present in this report.

Click here to see ISW’s 3D control-of-terrain topographic map of Ukraine. The use of a computer (not a mobile device) is strongly recommended for accessing this data-heavy tool.

Click here to access ISW’s archive of interactive time-lapse maps of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. These maps complement the static control-of-terrain maps that ISW produces daily by showing a dynamic frontline.

Ukrainian officials are reportedly concerned about the possibility of significant Russian territorial gains in summer 2024 in the event of continued delays in Western security assistance. Bloomberg reported that internal Ukrainian assessments state that Russian advances along the frontline could gain significant momentum by summer 2024 unless Ukraine’s partners increase provisions of artillery ammunition. Bloomberg reported that sources close to Ukrainian leadership stated that Ukraine expects Russian forces to decide between continuing their current focus on gradual tactical advances and preparing for a larger breakthrough attempt in summer 2024 depending on the results of current Russian offensive operations. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stated on February 25 that Russian forces are preparing for a new offensive effort that will start in late May or summer 2024. Russian forces are currently trying to exploit tactical opportunities offered by the Russian seizure of Avdiivka and are attempting to push as far as possible in the area before Ukrainian forces establish harder-to-penetrate defensive lines. Russian forces may determine to adjust future offensive operations based on the level of success they have in attacking subsequent Ukrainian defensive lines west and northwest of Avdiivka, and Ukrainian defenses in the Avdiivka area may impact Russian perceptions of the wider state of Ukraine’s defense along the frontline. Russian forces are also conducting a multi-axis offensive operation along the Kupyansk-Svatove-Kreminna line but have not made any recent significant gains in the area, and the relative success or failure of that effort could similarly influence how the Russian military command views Russian prospects for operationally significant advances. The Russian ability to make operationally significant advances is still largely dependent on the level of Western support for Ukraine, however, as well-provisioned Ukrainian forces have proven that they can prevent Russian forces from making even marginal gains during large-scale Russian offensive efforts.

Bloomberg also reported that Ukrainian intelligence assessments stated that Russian Vladimir Putin has not given up his original goal of seizing major Ukrainian cities such as Kyiv and Odesa. Putin has recently falsely claimed that Odesa is a “Russian city” and other Russian officials have also applied that expression to Dnipro, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, and Kyiv cities. The Kremlin has resumed expansionist rhetoric in recent months that explicitly calls for the occupation and annexation of additional Ukrainian territory. The Kremlin has intentionally framed this rhetoric to avoid setting limits for further Russian expansion in Ukraine, and this rhetoric may aim to allow Putin to introduce new objectives for conquest in Ukraine when he sees fit.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ukrainian officials are reportedly concerned about the possibility of significant Russian territorial gains in Summer 2024 in the event of continued delays in Western security assistance.

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin used his February 29 address to the Federal Assembly to attempt to convince the Russian public that his next term as president will be defined by Russian military success in Ukraine but not at the expense of stagnating or decreased social and economic welfare.

  • Putin used tired rhetoric about negotiations and nuclear saber rattling during his Federal Assembly speech likely to seize on Western attention to the speech to promote ongoing Kremlin information operations.

  • Putin emphasized the Kremlin’s domestic focus on 2024 as the “Year of the Family” to address Russia’s ongoing demographic crisis during his Federal Assembly address.

  • Putin did not respond to the February 28 request from the Congress of Deputies from pro-Russian Moldovan breakaway region Transnistria, but this lack of response still affords the Kremlin several possible courses of action (COA) at a later time.

  • Ukrainian forces downed three more Su-34 fighter aircraft in eastern Ukraine on February 28 and 29.

  • The Kremlin continues to assert its self-arrogated right to enforce Russian federal law on citizens of NATO member and former Soviet states over actions taken within the territory of their own countries.

  • Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated that Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) is a threat to Armenian security as Russian officials refused to acknowledge Armenia’s reduced participation in the CSTO.

  • The Kremlin has reportedly established high-level positions in all federal bodies to promote patriotism and history within each body, likely aimed at strengthening informational and ideological control over federal employees.

  • Russian forces made confirmed advances near Avdiivka amid continued positional engagements along the frontline on February 29.

  • Russian state-owned defense conglomerate Rostec Head Sergei Chemezov stated on February 29 that Rostec plans to produce A-50 long-range radar detection aircraft on an unspecified schedule because Russian forces require more A-50 aircraft.

  • Occupation officials continue to support Kremlin efforts to gain further control over religious groups in occupied Ukraine.

Click here to read the full assessment.

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