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[ISW] 러시아 공세 캠페인 평가, 2024년 3월 1일

by Summa posted Mar 02, 2024


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

Key Takeaways

주요 요점:

  • 2022년 4월 이스탄불에서 이루어진 러시아-우크라이나 평화 협상의 세부 사항에 따르면, 러시아는 우크라이나가 미래의 러시아 공격으로부터 스스로를 방어할 수 없도록 하는 우크라이나 불법 침공에 대한 합의안을 지속적으로 구상해 왔으며, 러시아는 우크라이나의 "비무장화"에 대한 요구에 따라 이 목표를 계속 추진하고 있습니다.
  • 초안 조약의 세부 사항에 따르면, 러시아는 이 조약을 사용하여 우크라이나에 대한 미래 공격에 대한 조건을 설정하고 서방이 우크라이나의 주권에 대한 양보를 하도록 유도하려고 했습니다.
  • 러시아 당국은 크렘린이 우크라이나에 대한 러시아의 전쟁 과정에서 우크라이나에 대한 더 광범위한 목표를 채택했을 가능성이 있다고 시사했습니다.
  • 블라디미르 푸틴 러시아 대통령은 2월 29일 연방 의회 연설에서 러시아 엘리트를 비난하는 것처럼 보였고, 베테랑 및 군인 커뮤니티와 더욱 긴밀하게 연합하여 초국가주의 군사 블로거들의 찬사를 받았습니다.
  • 크렘린 관리들은 3월 1일 친러 몰도바 자치구인 가가우지아의 지도자들과 만나 가가우지아에 대한 러시아의 지원을 강조하고 몰도바의 "억압"으로 인식되는 것에 반대했습니다.
  • 우크라이나와 네덜란드는 3월 1일 10년간의 양자 안보 협정에 서명했습니다.
  • 러시아군은 3월 1일 아브디이프카와 도네츠크 시 근처에서 진격을 확인했습니다.
  • 러시아 당국은 러시아 예비군의 연례 전투 훈련을 사용하여 암호 동원 노력을 지원할 가능성이 높습니다.
### 분류: 정치, 군사 ### 관련된 주요국가: 러시아, 우크라이나, 몰도바 ### 향후 전망: 러시아는 우크라이나에 대한 군사적 우위를 점하기 위해 계속 노력할 것이며, 우크라이나와 서방 국가들은 러시아의 침략에 대응하기 위해 계속 협력할 것입니다.


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Christina Harward, Angelica Evans, Nicole Wolkov,

Riley Bailey, and Karolina Hird

March 1, 2024, 6:15pm ET

Click here to see ISW's interactive map of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This map is updated daily alongside the static maps present in this report.

Click here to see ISW’s 3D control-of-terrain topographic map of Ukraine. The use of a computer (not a mobile device) is strongly recommended for accessing this data-heavy tool.

Click here to access ISW’s archive of interactive time-lapse maps of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. These maps complement the static control-of-terrain maps that ISW produces daily by showing a dynamic frontline.

Reported details of Russian-Ukrainian peace negotiations that occurred in Istanbul in April 2022 indicate that Russia has consistently envisioned a settlement for its illegal invasion of Ukraine wherein Ukraine would be unable to defend itself from a future Russian attack – an objective Russia continues to pursue under calls for Ukraine’s “demilitarization.” The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on March 1 that documents it obtained of the draft treaty from the 2022 Ukrainian-Russian peace negotiations indicate that both sides initially agreed that Ukraine would be a “permanently neutral state that doesn't participate in military blocs.” The draft treaty also reportedly banned Ukraine from receiving any foreign weapons or hosting any foreign military personnel. The WSJ reported that Russia pushed for the Ukrainian military to be limited to 85,000 soldiers, 342 tanks, and 519 artillery systems, whereas Ukraine wanted the caps to be 250,000 soldiers, 800 tanks, and 1,900 artillery systems. Russia also reportedly demanded that Ukrainian missiles be limited to a range of 40 kilometers, a range that would allow Russian forces to deploy critical systems and materiel close to Ukraine without fear of strikes. The Kremlin has repeatedly called for the “demilitarization” of Ukraine since its full-scale invasion but has not previously provided details on what that would specifically entail. The Ukrainian military in 2014 – before Russia’s first invasion – consisted of about 130,000 personnel, and the documents from 2022 indicate that Russia intended to drastically reduce Ukraine’s military to such a level that Ukraine could no longer defend itself. Russian President Vladimir Putin has most recently emphasized the idea of a “demilitarized” or “sanitary” zone in Ukraine that would place Russian territory – including occupied Ukraine – out of range of both Ukrainian frontline artillery systems and Western-provided long-range systems. Putin likely aims for the ”demilitarization” of Ukraine to allow him to enforce his will upon Ukraine without any substantial resistance.


Reported details of the draft treaty suggest that Russia intended to use the treaty to set conditions for future attacks against Ukraine while also prompting the West to make concessions on Ukraine’s sovereignty. The WSJ reported that the United States, United Kingdom, China, France, and Russia were to be guarantors of the treaty. Russia also reportedly wanted to include Belarus as a guarantor. The guarantor states were supposed to “terminate international treaties and agreements incompatible with the permanent neutrality of Ukraine,” including military aid agreements. The WSJ did not specify if other non-guarantor states would have to terminate their agreements with Ukraine as well, although this is likely considering that the treaty would ban Ukraine from having foreign-supplied weapons. It is unclear what Russia considers to be “incompatible” with a permanently “neutral” Ukraine, although the Kremlin most certainly would have broadly interpreted this as forbidding Ukraine from joining NATO, which is stipulated by Ukraine’s constitution, thereby likely demanding that Ukraine amend its constitution. Russia reportedly wanted all guarantors to agree on a response should Ukraine be subject to any attacks, but the WSJ stated that the guarantor states were unlikely to agree on a response should Russia attack Ukraine again – likely due to the guarantor states’ diverging interests. This stipulation likely intended to allow Russia to influence, predict, and prepare for the international response to any possible future Russian attacks on Ukraine. ISW continues to assess that any ceasefire would benefit Russia, giving it time to reconstitute and regroup for future offensive operations.


Russia’s territorial objectives beyond the areas it occupied in 2022 likely prevented Russia and Ukraine from agreeing on the status of Russian-occupied areas in Ukraine in April 2022. The WSJ reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky were to hold “face-to-face talks” to discuss areas of eastern Ukraine that Russian forces have occupied since 2014, but that this meeting never took place. The need for Putin and Zelensky to discuss the matter independently and separately suggests that the Russian and Ukrainian negotiating delegations were unable to reach an agreement on the status of the Russian-occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, likely due to Russia’s wider expansionist territorial desires, as Kremlin officials have repeatedly indicated. The WSJ did not report on any clauses in the treaty concerning Russian-occupied territory outside of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.

Key Takeaways:

  • Reported details of Russian-Ukrainian peace negotiations that occurred in Istanbul in April 2022 indicate that Russia has consistently envisioned a settlement for its illegal invasion of Ukraine wherein Ukraine would be unable to defend itself from a future Russian attack – an objective Russia continues to pursue under calls for Ukraine’s “demilitarization.”

  • Reported details of the draft treaty suggest that Russia intended to use the treaty to set conditions for future attacks against Ukraine while also prompting the West to make concessions on Ukraine’s sovereignty.

  • Russian authorities suggested that the Kremlin has likely adopted a more extensive set of goals regarding Ukraine over the course of Russia's war against Ukraine.

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared to disparage Russian elites in his February 29 Federal Assembly speech, more closely aligning himself with the veteran and military community and drawing praise from ultranationalist milbloggers.

  • Kremlin officials met with leaders of the pro-Russian Moldovan autonomous region Gagauzia and emphasized Russia’s support for Gagauzia against perceived Moldovan “oppression” on March 1.

  • Ukraine and the Netherlands signed a 10-year bilateral security agreement on March 1.

  • Russian forces made confirmed advances near Avdiivka and Donetsk City on March 1.

  • Russian authorities will likely use annual combat training for Russian reservists to support crypto-mobilization efforts.

Click here to read the full assessment.

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