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[ISW] 이스라엘-하마스 전쟁(이란) 업데이트, 2024년 4월 8일

by Summa posted Apr 09, 2024


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

주요 사항

주요 사항

  • 이란: 이란 고위 군사 관리들은 이스라엘이 시리아에서 IRGC 고위 사령관을 살해한 것에 대한 이란의 대응을 신중하게 조정할 것이라고 계속해서 시사해 왔습니다. 이 신중한 접근 방식은 이스라엘과의 직접적인 전쟁을 피하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 그러나 이 접근 방식은 결국 이란의 보복을 배제하지 않습니다.
  • 레바논 헤즈볼라 사무총장 하산 나스랄라는 4월 8일 이란이 4월 1일 이스라엘 공습에 대한 보복을 할 것이라고 경고하여 공격에 대한 최종 대응 가능성을 보여주었습니다.
  • 아랍어 언론 매체인 Jadeh Iran은 4월 7일과 8일에 이란이 4월 1일 이스라엘 공습에 대한 잠재적 대응을 가자에서의 휴전에 조건을 달았다고 보도했습니다.
  • 이란 외무부 장관 호세인 아미르 압돌라히안은 4월 1일 다마스쿠스에서 이슬람 혁명 수비대(IRGC) 관리들을 표적으로 삼은 이스라엘 공습에 이어 이란 파트너 및 오만과 정치적 조정에 참여하고 있습니다.
  • 휴전 협상: 이스라엘과 하마스는 미국이 제안한 새로운 휴전 및 인질 교환 협정을 고려하고 있습니다. 이스라엘 관리들과 중재국들은 휴전 협정의 가능성을 인정했지만 익명의 하마스 소식통은 휴전 협정에 대해 회의적인 태도를 표명했습니다.
  • 가자 지구: 이스라엘 소식통은 이스라엘 군 라디오 기자에게 IDF가 하마스가 휴전에 동의하여 팔레스타인 민간인들이 6주간의 휴전이 끝날 때 라파에서 이스라엘 정리 작전 전에 북쪽으로 이동할 수 있기를 바란다고 말했습니다.
  • 이스라엘 군 라디오 기자는 팔레스타인 민병대가 4월 7일 IDF가 철수한 직후 칸 유니스에서 로켓 발사를 재개했다고 보도했습니다.
  • 여러 이스라엘 여단이 2월과 3월 내내 칸 유니스에서 정리 작전에 참여하여 팔레스타인 전투기가 가자 남부에서 로켓을 발사할 수 있는 능력을 감소시켰을 가능성이 큽니다.
  • 레바논: IDF 공군은 4월 8일 남부 레바논에서 공습을 가해 헤즈볼라 라드완 부대의 고위 관리이자 사령관과 다른 헤즈볼라 전투원 2명을 사살했습니다.
  • 이라크: 이라크에서 이란이 지원하는 이라크 민병대 연합인 이라크 이슬람 저항군은 CTP-ISW의 마지막 데이터 마감일인 4월 7일 이후 이스라엘 군사 기지를 표적으로 삼은 드론 공격을 3회 수행했다고 주장했습니다. 이 글을 쓰는 시점까지 이스라엘 관리들과 언론은 주장된 공격에 대해 언급하지 않았습니다. CTP-ISW는 이라크 이슬람 저항군의 공격 주장을 확인할 수 없습니다.
**분류:** 중동 안보 **관련된 주요국가:** 이란, 이스라엘, 레바논 **향후 전망:** 이란은 이스라엘의 공격에 대한 보복을 계속 고려할 것이며, 가자 지구와 레바논에서의 긴장은 계속될 것입니다.


Iran Update

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Andie Parry, Amin Soltani, Annika Ganzeveld, Kathryn Tyson, Peter Mills, Christian Engfer, Tor Lansing, Kitaneh Fitzpatrick, and Brian Carter

Information Cutoff: 2:00pm ET

Senior Iranian military officials have continued to suggest that they will carefully calibrate Iran’s response to Israel’s killing of senior IRGC commanders in Syria. This careful approach aims to avoid a direct war with Israel. Iranian Armed Forces Chief of the General Staff Major General Mohammad Bagheri said on April 6 that Iran will strike Israel “at the right time” during a commemoration ceremony for the IRGC officers killed in the likely Israeli airstrike on April 1. The Military Affairs Adviser to the Iranian Supreme Leader Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi separately said during a similar commemoration ceremony on April 7 that Iran “must wait for the right time” to deliver its response. Several senior Iranian clerics close to the Office of the Supreme Leader endorsed “strategic patience”—a long-standing regime policy that involves not immediately conducting a major response to Israeli attacks—in their weekly sermons on April 5. Such comments support CTP-ISW's assessment that Iran seeks to avoid a direct military confrontation against the United States and Israel. Strategic patience does not exclude an eventual Iranian retaliation, however.


Lebanese Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah on April 8 warned that Iran will retaliate for the April 1 Israeli airstrike, illustrating the possibility of an eventual response to the attack. Nasrallah’s made these comments during a Hezbollah ceremony for IRGC commander Mohammed Reza Zahedi in Beirut. Nasrallah said that Iran has a ”natural right” to retaliate against the airstrike because it represented ”an attack on Iranian territory.” Nasrallah added that the United States and Israel recognize that an Iranian response to the attack is ”inevitably coming.” Zahedi spearheaded Iranian engagement with Hezbollah and most recently commanded the IRGC Quds Force unit responsible for overseeing operations in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and the Palestinian Territories. Zahedi was the only non-Lebanese member of Hezbollah’s Shura Council, which is led by Nasrallah and serves as the groups’ central decision-making authority.

Arabic-language media outlet Jadeh Iran reported on April 7 and 8 that Iran has conditioned its potential response to the April 1 Israeli strike on a ceasefire in Gaza. Arabic-language outlet Jadeh Iran reported on April 7 and 8 that Iran informed the United States that it would not retaliate against Israel for the April 1 strike if the United States could secure a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip between Israel and Hamas, citing “an anonymous Arab diplomatic source. Jadeh Iran is an outlet founded by an al Jazeera journalist. An Iranian Foreign Affairs Ministry official told Kuwait-based newspaper Al Jarida on April 8 that the Iranian Foreign Affairs Ministry told the United States that Iran would not respond to the April 1 Israeli airstrike if there was ”a ceasefire in Gaza.” The US State Department spokesperson denied these reports on April 8. The Jadeh Iran reporting coincides with claims from Western media and Israeli officials that Israel and Hamas negotiators had made "significant progress" in negotiations or reached a “critical point“ during ongoing negotiations in Cairo.

Key Takeaways:

  • Iran: Senior Iranian military officials have continued to suggest that they will carefully calibrate Iran’s response to Israel’s killing of senior IRGC commanders in Syria. This careful approach aims to avoid a direct war with Israel. This approach does not exclude an eventual Iranian retaliation, however.

  • Lebanese Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah on April 8 warned that Iran will retaliate for the April 1 Israeli airstrike, illustrating the possibility of an eventual response to the attack.

  • Arabic-language media outlet Jadeh Iran reported on April 7 and 8 that Iran has conditioned its potential response to the April 1 Israeli strike on a ceasefire in Gaza.

  • Iranian Foreign Affairs Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian is engaging in political coordination with Iranian partners and Oman following the April 1 Israeli airstrike that targeted Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) officials in Damascus.

  • Ceasefire Negotiations: Israel and Hamas are considering a new US-proposed ceasefire and hostage exchange deal. Israeli officials and mediating countries have acknowledged the potential for a ceasefire deal, while anonymous Hamas sources have expressed skepticism about a ceasefire deal.

  • Gaza Strip: An Israeli source told an Israel Army Radio correspondent that the IDF hopes Hamas will agree to the ceasefire so that Palestinian civilians sheltering in Rafah can migrate north before an Israeli clearing operation into Rafah at the end of the six-week ceasefire.

  • An Israeli Army Radio correspondent reported that Palestinian militias resumed launching rockets from Khan Younis shortly after the IDF’s withdrawal on April 7.

  • Several Israeli brigades were involved in clearing operations in Khan Younis throughout February and March, likely reducing the ability of Palestinian fighters to launch rockets from the southern Gaza Strip.

  • Lebanon: The IDF Air Force killed a senior official and commander in Hezbollah’s Radwan unit and two other Hezbollah fighters in an airstrike in southern Lebanon on April 8.

  • Iraq: The Islamic Resistance in Iraq—a coalition of Iranian-backed Iraqi militias—claimed that it conducted three drone attacks targeting Israeli military bases since CTP-ISW's last data cutoff on April 7. Israeli officials and media have not commented on the claimed attacks at the time of this writing. CTP-ISW cannot verify the Islamic Resistance in Iraq’s attack claims.

Click here to read the full update.

ISW and CTP has launched an interactive map of Israeli ground operations to accompany our daily campaign assessments of the IsraelHamas war. This product complements the daily static maps that ISW-CTP produces with high-fidelity and, where possible, street-level assessments of the war in Israel.

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