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[ISW] 이스라엘-하마스 전쟁(이란) 업데이트, 2024년 4월 30일

by Summa posted May 01, 2024


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

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주요 사항:

  • 중국에서 열린 파타흐-하마스 회담: 러시아와 중국은 하마스가 팔레스타인 자치 정부에 포함되도록 추진하고 있으며, 이는 서안 지구와 가자 지구에 하마스의 영향을 받는 정부가 수립되는 결과를 가져올 것이다. 러시아와 중국의 "팔레스타인 통일" 추진은 하마스 정치국 의장 이스마일 하니예가 4월 21일에 제안한 "합의 정부"를 요구하는 계획과 일맥상통한다.
  • 라파: 이스라엘의 라파 침공 작전이 며칠 내에 시작될 수 있다. IDF는 4월 30일에 두 개 사단이 라파에 대한 지상 작전을 준비했다고 밝혔다.
  • 정전 협상: 하마스는 하마스가 최소 20명의 인질을 살려 놓으면 1년간의 정전을 제안한 이집트의 제안을 고려하고 있다.
  • 이란: BBC가 분석한 IRGC 문서 유출은 이란 보안 요원들이 2022년 시위 중 16세 소녀를 어떻게 조직되지 않고 잔인하게 학대하고 살해했는지 자세히 설명한다. IRGC가 이후 살인을 은폐한 것은 정권이 그녀의 죽음에 책임이 있음을 보여준다.
  • 이란 남동부의 무장 투쟁: 이란 동부에서 반정부 무장 투쟁이 증가하면서 정권이 동부 국경을 따라 위협을 우선시하는 방식이 바뀌고 있다.
  • 가자지구의 인도적 지원: 미군은 4월 말경 가자지구 해안에서 부유식 부두를 건설하기 시작했다. 미국 CENTCOM은 4월 29일에 건설 사진을 공개했다.
``` **분류**: 중동 정세 **관련된 주요 국가**: 이스라엘, 팔레스타인, 이란 **향후 전망**: 가자지구에서의 이스라엘의 지상 작전 가능성, 하마스와 이스라엘 간의 정전 협상의 결과, 이란에서의 반정부 시위의 지속


Iran Update

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Information Cutoff: 2:00 pm ET

Russia and China are hosting talks to facilitate Hamas’ inclusion in the Palestinian Authority, which would result in a Hamas-influenced government in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. China hosted senior Hamas and Fatah officials in Beijing on April 26 to discuss “intra-Palestinian reconciliation” and to “strive for the early realization of Palestinian unity and reunification.” Russia also facilitated Hamas-Fatah talks in February 2024 that sought to achieve “Palestinian unity.” An unspecified Palestinian official told the New York Times that senior Hamas official Musa Abu Marzouk and Fatah Central Committee member Azzam al Ahmad participated in the China-hosted talks.

Israeli political and military officials suggested that an Israeli clearing operation into Rafah could begin within the next few days. Unspecified security officials told Israeli Army Radio that the operation into Rafah will begin if Hamas does not accept the current Egyptian ceasefire proposal. Other Israeli media sites circulated unsourced reports on April 29 that the IDF would begin an operation into Rafah in the next two to three days if a hostage deal is not reached. An unspecified Israeli official told Agence France-Presse on April 30 that Israel would wait until May 1 for Hamas’ response to the proposal. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated during a meeting with the families of hostages held in the Gaza Strip that the IDF “will enter Rafah and eliminate the Hamas battalions there — with or without a deal.” A family member that attended the meeting said that they understood from Netanyahu's comments that “it is not a question of whether Rafah is or is not going to happen.” Far-right minister Itamar Ben Gvir similarly said on April 30 that Netanyahu “promised [in a private meeting] that Israel would go into Rafah” and that there would not be a “reckless” ceasefire deal. Ben Gvir “warned” Netanyahu of the consequences of failing to clear Rafah during the meeting. Finance Minister Bezal Smotrich, a far-right ally of Ben Gvir, threatened Netanyahu on April 29 that “a government headed by you will have no right to exist” if it failed to defeat Hamas.

Hamas is continuing to consider an Egyptian ceasefire proposal that could enact a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip of up to a year. Egyptian sources told the Wall Street Journal that Hamas would need to release at least 20 living hostages before the second phase of the deal, which includes a year-long “sustained calm.” Hamas delegates in Cairo reportedly said that the proposal currently fails to provide clear guarantees that Israel is serious about the second phase of the deal. A senior Hamas official speaking to a UK-based, Qatari-owned outlet said that the Hamas leadership abroad and Hamas leadership in Gaza have been in communication about the ceasefire proposal and are “preparing the final response.” The Hamas official noted that Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), and the other Palestinian factions fighting in the Gaza Strip are contributing to the response. Hamas is the leader of a 12-militia coalition that coordinates politically and militarily. PIJ Deputy Secretary General Muhammad al Hindi told Hamas-affiliated Quds News on April 29 that the Palestinian factions had discussed the ceasefire and that Hamas’ demands of an Israeli withdrawal and a full ceasefire “are clear.”

Key Takeaways:

  • Fatah-Hamas Meeting in China: Russia and China are pursuing Hamas’ inclusion in the Palestinian Authority, which would result in a Hamas-influenced government in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Russia and China’s pursuit of “Palestinian unity” mirror a plan laid out by Hamas Political Bureau Chairman Ismail Haniyeh on April 21 that called for a ”consensus government.”

  • Rafah: An Israeli clearing operation into Rafah could begin within the next few days. The IDF indicated on April 30 that two divisions are ready for a ground operation into Rafah.

  • Ceasefire Negotiations: Hamas is considering an Egyptian proposal that offers a year-long ceasefire if Hamas releases at least 20 hostages alive.

  • Iran: Leaked IRGC documents analyzed by the BBC detailed the uncoordinated and brutal way in which Iranian security personnel abused and killed a 16-year-old girl during the 2022 protest wave. The IRGC’s subsequent cover up of the killing demonstrates that the regime is culpable for her death.

  • Militancy in Southeastern Iran: Increased anti-regime militancy in eastern Iran is driving a change in how the regime prioritizes threats along its eastern border.

  • Humanitarian Aid in Gaza: The US military began constructing the floating pier off the coast of the Gaza Strip some time in late April. US CENTCOM published photos of the construction on April 29.

Click here to read the full update.

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