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[ISW] 러시아 공세 캠페인 평가, 2024년 5월 7일

by Summa posted May 08, 2024


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

```html 러시아의 최근 동향

주요 요점:

  • 블라디미르 푸틴 러시아 대통령은 5월 7일에 다섯 번째 임기를 시작했으며, 우크라이나에서의 승리를 간접적으로 촉구하면서 러시아가 도전받지 않는 독재적 통치를 필요로 한다고 강조했습니다.
  • 러시아의 극우주의자들은 푸틴의 다섯 번째 임기 시작을 역사적인 사건으로 칭찬했고, 푸틴이 자신을 투영하고 있는 독재적 전통을 명확하게 승인했으며, 그 중 한 명은 그를 표트르 대제 시대 이후 러시아 차르의 공식 칭호인 "임페라토르"라고 불렀습니다. 러시아의 극우주의자들은 또한 푸틴이 크렘린이 본격적인 침공을 시작한 이후로 크게 발전시켜 온 반서구 이념을 계속 심화시킬 것이라는 희망을 표명했습니다.
  • 현재 러시아 내각과 미하일 미슈스틴 총리는 5월 7일에 헌법에 따라 공식적으로 사임했으며, 복귀하는 장관과 푸틴이 대체하는 장관은 누가 푸틴의 호의를 얻었는지와 그의 다섯 번째 임기에 대한 그의 정치적 우선순위를 보여줄 것입니다.
  • 벨라루스는 서방의 의사 결정을 목표로 하는 크렘린의 재강화된 반사적 통제 캠페인의 일환으로 핵 준비 검사를 깜짝 발표했습니다.
  • 우크라이나 보안국(SBU)은 5월 7일에 볼로디미르 젤렌스키 우크라이나 대통령과 다른 고위 우크라이나 정보 및 군 고위 관리들을 암살할 계획이었던 러시아 연방 보안국(FSB) 요원들의 네트워크를 폭로했다고 보고했습니다.
  • 러시아 검찰총장실은 5월 7일에 미국의 비정부기구(NGO)인 프리덤 하우스를 "바람직하지 않은 조직"으로 선언했는데, 이는 국내 정보 공간에 대한 통제력을 강화하고 러시아인들이 시민 사회 조직과 러시아 시민 및 정치적 권리에 대한 독립적인 평가에 접근하는 것을 더욱 박탈하려는 지속적인 노력의 일환일 가능성이 큽니다.
  • 러시아군은 최근 아브디이프카, 도네츠크 시, 서부 자포리자주 근처에서 진격을 확인했습니다.
  • 러시아 점령 당국은 점령된 헤르손주에서 우크라이나 민간인을 강제로 러시아 군대에 모집하려는 노력을 계속하고 있습니다.
  • 크렘린은 점령 행정부와 협력하여 점령된 우크라이나에서 아동 복지 시스템에 대한 러시아의 통제력을 강화하고 있습니다.

분류: 정치, 군사 관련된 주요국가: 러시아, 우크라이나, 벨라루스 향후 전망: 푸틴의 다섯 번째 임기는 러시아의 내부 및 외부 정책에 상당한 영향을 미칠 것입니다. 내부적으로 푸틴은 자신의 권력 기반을 강화하고 반대 세력을 억압하기 위해 계속 노력할 것입니다. 외부적으로 푸틴은 우크라이나에서의 전쟁을 계속하고 서방과의 대결을 심화시킬 것입니다.


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Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment

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Riley Bailey, Nicole Wolkov, Karolina Hird, Grace Mappes, and Frederick W. Kagan

May 7, 2024, 6:15pm ET 

Click here to see ISW's interactive map of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This map is updated daily alongside the static maps present in this report.

Click here to see ISW’s 3D control-of-terrain topographic map of Ukraine. The use of a computer (not a mobile device) is strongly recommended for accessing this data-heavy tool.

Click here to access ISW’s archive of interactive time-lapse maps of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. These maps complement the static control-of-terrain maps that ISW produces daily by showing a dynamic frontline.

Russian President Vladimir Putin began his fifth term as Russian President on May 7 and stressed Russia's need for unchallenged autocratic rule while indirectly calling for victory in Ukraine. Putin thanked Russian citizens, the residents of Russia’s “historical lands,” participants in the “special military operation,” and those who have “defended the right to be together with the motherland,” and called on Russia to unite for victory. Putin did not specify what this Russian victory entails and only vaguely referenced Russia's “serious challenges.” Putin has long justified his effort to destroy Ukrainian statehood by claiming that Russia is fighting for "historic lands" in Ukraine and coming to the aid of "compatriots abroad" who desire to reunite with Russia. Putin likely intended to acknowledge the war without setting heightened expectations for Russian prospects in Ukraine with his vague call for victory. Putin more heavily suggested that Russia "needs" strong autocratic rule, claiming that the Russia state and socio-political system must be strong and must resist any challenges and threats in order to ensure the development, unity, and independence of Russia. Putin added that his ability to fulfill his duties as president depends on Russian unity and cohesion and warned Russians to remember historical lessons "about the tragic price of internal turmoil and upheaval." Putin has routinely invoked historical parallels to justify his own increasingly autocratic rule by suggesting that autocracy is a Russian tradition and has regularly argued that without unchallenged autocracy Russia would lose its sovereignty. Putin notably alluded in October 2022 to the Pugachev Rebellion that challenged Catherine the Great's authority in the mid-1770s to warn deceased Wagner Group financier Yevgeny Prigozhin about challenging the Kremlin, a warning that did not prevent Prigozhin from launching his own failed rebellion in June 2023. Putin had observed in 2022 that the Pugachev Rebellion occurred because the "weakening of the central power" caused someone to claim that he was the tsar. Putin's inauguration speech was otherwise filled with tired, boilerplate rhetoric and vague calls for national triumph, and his focus on internal stability indicates that Putin likely sought to emphasize to the Russian public that his fifth term as president will continue to be increasingly autocratic.

Ukraine's Security Service (SBU) reported on May 7 that it exposed a network of Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) operatives who were planning to assassinate Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and other high-ranking Ukrainian intelligence and military officials. The SBU stated that the exposed agents included two colonels of Ukraine's Office of State Security (State Guard) who were operating as part of the FSB's Fifth Service. The FSB's Fifth Service originates from the Soviet Committee for State Security (KGB)'s Fifth Service, which conducted counterintelligence and espionage operations in non-Russian Soviet states and now essentially functions as a foreign espionage branch of the FSB. The SBU noted that the FSB recruited the agents out of Ukraine's State Guard before the 2022 full-scale invasion. Both agents are facing life imprisonment on charges of treason.

Key Takeaways

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin began his fifth term as Russian President on May 7 and stressed Russia's need for unchallenged autocratic rule while indirectly calling for victory in Ukraine.

  • Russian ultranationalists lauded the start of Putin's fifth term as a historic event and explicitly approved of the autocratic tradition in which Putin is casting himself, with one of them hailing him as "imperator," the formal title of the Russian tsars since the time of Peter the Great. Russian ultranationalists also expressed hope that Putin will continue to deepen an anti-Western ideology that the Kremlin has been heavily developing since the start of the full-scale invasion.

  • The current Russian cabinet of ministers and Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin formally resigned on May 7 as constitutionally mandated, and the ministers who return to service and the ones whom Putin replaces will indicate who has Putin's favor and signal his political priorities for his fifth term.

  • Belarus has announced a surprise nuclear readiness inspection likely as part of the Kremlin's re-intensified reflexive control campaign targeting Western decision-making.
  • Ukraine's Security Service (SBU) reported on May 7 that it exposed a network of Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) operatives who were planning to assassinate Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and other high-ranking Ukrainian intelligence and military officials.

  • The Russian Prosecutor General's Office declared US non-governmental organization (NGO) Freedom House an "undesirable organization" on May 7, likely as part of an ongoing effort to consolidate control over the domestic information space and further deprive Russians of access to civil society organizations and independent assessments of Russian civil and political rights.

  • Russian forces recently made confirmed advances near Avdiivka, Donetsk City, and in western Zaporizhia Oblast.

  • Russian occupation officials continue efforts to forcibly recruit Ukrainian civilians into the Russian military in occupied Kherson Oblast.

  • The Kremlin is working with occupation administrators to strengthen Russia's control over the child welfare system in occupied Ukraine.

Click here to read the full assessment.

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