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[ISW] 러시아 공세 캠페인 평가, 2024년 5월 2일

by Summa posted May 03, 2024


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

Key Takeaways

주요 요점:

  • 우크라이나 정보국은 우크라이나를 불안정화하고 승리를 달성하기 위한 러시아의 세 가지 노력을 확인했으며, 우크라이나와 미국의 정보국은 러시아군이 차시브 야르를 점령할 수 있지만 주요 우크라이나 도시를 점령할 가능성은 매우 낮을 것이라는 이전 ISW 예측과 일치하는 전장 상황에 대한 평가를 발표했습니다.
  • 우크라이나 주요 군사 정보국(GUR) 부국장 바딤 스키비츠키 소장은 러시아군이 2024년 5월 말 또는 6월 초에 하르키우와 수미 주를 향해 공세를 시작할 가능성이 높지만 러시아군은 하르키우나 수미 도시를 점령할 수 없을 것이라고 평가했습니다.
  • 스키비츠키는 크렘린이 정보 작전을 우크라이나를 물리치기 위한 두 번째 노력으로 보고 있으며, 현재 러시아의 정보 작전은 우크라이나의 동원 노력과 볼로디미르 젤렌스키 우크라이나 대통령의 정통성을 훼손하는 데 중점을 두고 있다고 지적했습니다.
  • 스키비츠키는 러시아가 우크라이나에서 승리를 달성하기 위한 세 번째 노력은 우크라이나를 외교적으로 고립시키기 위한 지속적인 캠페인이라고 강조했습니다.
  • 미국 국무부(DoS)는 5월 1일에 러시아군이 러시아가 가입한 화학무기금지협정(CWC)을 위반하고 있다고 결정했다고 발표했습니다.
  • 블라디미르 푸틴 러시아 대통령은 5월 2일에 툴라 주지사이자 바그너 그룹과 제휴한 것으로 알려진 알렉세이 듀민과 만나 푸틴이 라이벌과 균형을 맞추어 세르게이 쇼이구 러시아 국방부 장관의 권력을 약화시키려 하고 있음을 추가로 시사했습니다.
  • 푸틴은 4월 24일에 티무르 이바노프 러시아 국방부 차관이 체포된 후와 5월 7일에 대통령 취임식 전에 듀민과의 만남을 의도적으로 공개했을 가능성이 높으며, 이는 쇼이구가 이끄는 국방부가 크렘린의 군사적 목표를 달성하지 못한 것에 대한 처벌일 수 있습니다.
  • 푸틴-듀민 회동은 푸틴이 이바노프 체포의 책임 있는 의사 결정권자일 가능성이 높다는 것을 시사합니다.
  • 3월 22일 크로커스 시청 테러 이후 러시아에 거주하거나 러시아에 입국하는 중앙아시아 이주민에 대한 최근 러시아 정부의 단속은 타지크-러시아 관계 외에도 키르기스-러시아 관계를 긴장시키고 있는 것으로 보입니다.
  • 조지아 의회는 5월 1일에 조지아의 러시아식 "외국 요원" 법안을 2차 독회로 통과시켰으며, 트빌리시에서 이 법안에 대한 항의가 계속되고 있습니다.
  • 러시아군은 최근 아브디이프카 서쪽에서 확실한 진전을 이루었습니다.
  • 러시아군은 2023년 가을에 심각한 범죄로 유죄 판결을 받은 수많은 수감자를 모집했을 수 있습니다.
### 분류: * 군사 * 정치 * 외교 ### 관련된 주요국가: * 우크라이나 * 러시아 * 미국 ### 향후 전망: * 러시아는 우크라이나에서 계속해서 군사적 진전을 이루기 위해 노력할 것입니다. * 우크라이나는 러시아의 침략에 계속 저항하고 국제 사회의 지원을 받을 것입니다. * 러시아와 우크라이나 간의 전쟁은 장기화될 가능성이 높습니다.


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Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment

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Riley Bailey, Grace Mappes, Nicole Wolkov, Kateryna Stepanenko, and Frederick W. Kagan

May 2, 2024, 8pm ET

Click here to see ISW's interactive map of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This map is updated daily alongside the static maps present in this report.

Click here to see ISW’s 3D control-of-terrain topographic map of Ukraine. The use of a computer (not a mobile device) is strongly recommended for accessing this data-heavy tool.

Click here to access ISW’s archive of interactive time-lapse maps of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. These maps complement the static control-of-terrain maps that ISW produces daily by showing a dynamic frontline.

Ukrainian intelligence officials identified three Russian efforts to destabilize Ukraine and achieve victory, and both Ukrainian and US intelligence officials issued assessments about the battlefield situation that are consistent with prior ISW forecasts that Russian forces may take Chasiv Yar but are very unlikely to seize major Ukrainian cities. Ukrainian Main Military Intelligence Directorate (GUR) Deputy Chief Major General Vadym Skibitskyi stated in an interview with the Economist published on May 2 that the first effort to destabilize Ukraine is comprised of military operations that aim to take advantage of Ukraine’s ongoing materiel and manpower shortages. Skibitskyi stated that Russian forces knew that April and May 2024 would be difficult months for the Ukrainian military as existing supplies dwindled and as Ukraine waits for sufficient quantities of fresh US military assistance to filter to the frontline. Skibitskyi stated that Russian forces will likely continue pursuing their longtime goal of completely seizing Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, and that the Russian command wants to achieve a battlefield victory before the May 9 Victory Day holiday or Russian President Vladimir Putin‘s visit to Beijing in mid-May. Skibitskyi stated that Ukraine is currently focusing on Chasiv Yar, Donetsk Oblast, where ISW assesses that Russian forces have the best opportunity to achieve operationally-significant gains, and that while it is “probably a matter of time” before Chasiv Yar falls, Russian forces will not seize the town “today or tomorrow. Skibitskyi stated that Russian forces have achieved only tactical successes near Avdiivka, Donetsk Oblast following a recent tactical penetration northwest of the city, and ISW has noted that Russian forces remain far from any operationally-significant objective in the area and are unlikely to pose such a threat here in the near-term.

Skibitskyi assessed that Russian forces will likely begin an offensive effort towards Kharkiv and Sumy oblasts at the end of May or start of June 2024 but that Russian forces will not be able to take Kharkiv or Sumy cities. Skibitskyi stated that Russian forces have currently concentrated roughly 35,000 personnel in the international border area and plan to concentrate a total of 50,000 to 70,000 personnel for this effort, presumably before the start of the offensive operation. Skibitskyi stated that this grouping will be insufficient for achieving anything beyond localized gains, consistent with ISW’s assessments that Russian forces would likely struggle to take Kharkiv City but that Russian offensive operations in the area would draw and fix Ukrainian forces from other parts of the frontline. Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi stated on April 28 that Ukrainian forces are monitoring the increased number of Russian forces regrouping in the Kharkiv direction, likely referring to Belgorod Oblast, and that Ukrainian forces have reinforced defensive positions in the "most threatened" areas with additional artillery and tank units.

Key Takeaways

  • Ukrainian intelligence officials identified three Russian efforts to destabilize Ukraine and achieve victory, and both Ukrainian and US intelligence officials issued assessments about the battlefield situation that are consistent with prior ISW forecasts that Russian forces may take Chasiv Yar but are very unlikely to seize major Ukrainian cities.

  • Ukrainian Main Military Intelligence Directorate (GUR) Deputy Chief Major General Vadym Skibitskyi assessed that Russian forces will likely begin an offensive effort towards Kharkiv and Sumy oblasts at the end of May or start of June 2024 but that Russian forces will not be able to take Kharkiv or Sumy cities.

  • Skibitskyi noted that the Kremlin views information operations as a second line of effort to defeat Ukraine and that current Russian information operations heavily focus on undermining Ukrainian mobilization efforts and the legitimacy of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

  • Skibitskyi stressed that Russia’s third line of effort to achieve victory in Ukraine is an ongoing campaign to diplomatically isolate Ukraine.

  • The US Department of State (DoS) announced on May 1 that it has determined that Russian forces are violating the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), to which Russia is a signatory.

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Tula Oblast Governor and known Wagner Group-affiliate Alexei Dyumin on May 2, further indicating that Putin may be seeking to reduce Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu's power by balancing him with rivals.

  • Putin likely deliberately publicized his meeting with Dyumin following the high-profile arrest of Russian Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov on April 24 and before the presidential inauguration on May 7, possibly to punish the Shoigu-led MoD for failing to accomplish the Kremlin’s military goals.

  • The Putin-Dyumin meeting suggests that Putin is likely the responsible decision-maker behind Ivanov’s arrest.

  • Recent Russian government crackdowns against Central Asian migrants living in and entering Russia following the March 22 Crocus City Hall attack appear to be straining Kyrgyz-Russian relations in addition to Tajik-Russian relations.

  • The Georgian parliament passed Georgia’s Russian-style “foreign agents” law in its second reading on May 1 amid continued protests against the law in Tbilisi.

  • Russian forces recently made confirmed advances west of Avdiivka.

  • The Russian military may have recruited numerous prisoners with convictions for serious crimes in fall of 2023.

Click here to read the full assessment.

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