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[ISW] 러시아 공세 캠페인 평가, 2024년 5월 9일

by Summa posted May 10, 2024


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

Key Takeaways: 러시아의 우크라이나 침공

주요 요점:

  • 블라디미르 푸틴 러시아 대통령은 5월 9일 대조국 전쟁(제2차 세계 대전)에서 나치 독일을 물리친 소련의 공헌을 서방이 지우려 한다는 자신의 믿음을 재확인하는 승리의 날 연설을 했습니다. 이 불만은 러시아의 서방에 대한 적대적 인식의 핵심입니다.
  • 푸틴은 최근 여러 전선 러시아 군대 사령관과의 회의를 통해 자신을 러시아 군대의 정보에 입각하고 효과적인 최고 사령관으로 묘사하여 전선 상황의 복잡성을 인식하고 러시아 군대를 괴롭히는 문제에 대한 해결책을 찾는 데 관여했습니다.
  • 푸틴은 승리의 날 퍼레이드에서 여러 외국 관리들과 함께 자신을 집단 서방의 권력 구조에 대한 대안적 연합을 결집시킬 수 있는 효과적인 정치가로 자리매김하기 위해 했을 것입니다.
  • 마리아 자하로바 러시아 외무부 대변인은 몰도바 정부가 몰도바에서 나치와 같은 "대량 학살"에 관여하고 있다고 주장했습니다. 이는 몰도바에 대한 크렘린 관리들의 수사에서 주목할 만한 변화로, 러시아가 몰도바의 일부 지역뿐만 아니라 전체를 장악하기 위한 노력에 대한 조건을 설정하기 위한 것으로 보입니다.
  • 친크렘린 몰도바 승리 야당 선거 블록의 지도자들은 모스크바에서 열린 승리의 날 퍼레이드에 참석하여 크렘린이 이러한 행위자들을 사용하여 몰도바 전체를 불안정화하고 몰도바의 민주주의와 EU 가입 과정을 공격할 의도임을 더욱 분명히 보여주었습니다.
  • 러시아군은 지난달 동부 우크라이나에서 지상 공격 속도를 현저히 높였습니다. 이는 현재 전장 상황과 서방의 군사 지원이 전선에 도착하기 전에 이득을 확보하려는 러시아군 사령부의 의도를 반영할 것입니다.
  • 러시아 국경 수비대는 니콜 파시냘 아르메니아 총리가 나고르노-카라바흐에 대한 결정에 대해 국내에서 반발에 직면하면서 아르메니아에서 대부분 철수하고 있습니다.
  • 크렘린은 아르메니아에서 야당의 분노를 이용하여 파시냘이 러시아에서 점점 멀어지는 것을 처벌하려 할 수 있습니다.
  • 우크라이나 보안국(SBU)은 5월 9일 크라스노다르 크라이와 바시코르토스탄 공화국의 러시아 석유 저장소와 정유 시설에 장거리 무인기 공격을 가했습니다.
  • 러시아군은 최근 아브디이프카와 도네츠크 시 근처에서 진격을 확인했습니다.
  • 러시아군은 계속해서 군율을 유지하는 데 어려움을 겪고 있으며, 일부 러시아군은 다른 부대원을 죽인 것으로 알려졌습니다.
--- **분류:** 정치, 군사 **관련된 주요국가:** 러시아, 우크라이나, 몰도바 **향후 전망:** 러시아는 우크라이나에서의 군사 작전을 계속할 것이며, 서방 국가들은 우크라이나에 대한 지원을 계속할 것입니다. 러시아와 서방 국가들 간의 갈등은 장기화될 가능성이 높습니다.


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Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment

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Angelica Evans, Christina Harward, Grace Mappes, Karolina Hird, and Frederick W. Kagan

May 9, 2024, 7:30pm ET

Click here to see ISW's interactive map of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This map is updated daily alongside the static maps present in this report.

Click here to see ISW’s 3D control-of-terrain topographic map of Ukraine. The use of a computer (not a mobile device) is strongly recommended for accessing this data-heavy tool.

Click here to access ISW’s archive of interactive time-lapse maps of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. These maps complement the static control-of-terrain maps that ISW produces daily by showing a dynamic frontline.

Russian President Vladimir Putin used his May 9 Victory Day speech to relitigate his belief that the West is attempting to erase the Soviet Union's contributions to defeating Nazi Germany during the Great Patriotic War (Second World War), a grievance that is at the core of Russia's adversarial perceptions of the West. Putin claimed during the Victory Day parade, which is held to commemorate the Soviet Union's victory and sacrifices during the Second World War, that "they," referring to the West, are attempting to "distort" the truth about the Second World War and "demolish" the memory of Soviet heroism and sacrifice. Putin claimed that perceived Western efforts to rewrite the history of the Second World War and the West's supposed support of "Nazism" in Ukraine, another long-standing Kremlin narrative, are part of a wider Western effort to incite interethnic and interreligious conflict throughout the world. Putin claimed that while the West would like to forget the lessons of the Second World War, Russia remembers that the Soviet Union decided the "fate of humanity" during battles "from Murmansk to the Caucasus and Crimea." Putin similarly used his 2023 and 2022 Victory Day speeches to reiterate existing narratives about the West's war against Russia and absurdly to equate the threat of Nazi Germany with that of Ukraine. Putin's willingness to repeatedly re-emphasize imagined Western efforts to discount the Soviet Union's contribution in defeating Nazi Germany suggests that Putin wholeheartedly believes that this is a genuine threat to the Soviet Union's legacy, and by extension the modern Russian state. This belief is in line with Putin's repeated efforts to rewrite and rehabilitate the Soviet Union's aggression towards Poland, its brief alliance with Nazi Germany, and crimes committed against its own people before, during, and after the Second World War.

Putin simultaneously used his Victory Day speech to present a picture of Russia as a bastion in the fight against Nazism. Putin claimed that Russia has never belittled the contributions of the other Allied powers in the Second World War and highlighted the courage of Allied servicemen, resistance fighters, and the people of China who fought against Japan's aggression. Putin claimed that Russia will do everything possible to prevent a global conflict, but at the same time will not allow anyone to threaten the country. Putin framed Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine as a "difficult transitional period" that Russia must get through and as part of Russia's greater historical fight against Nazism. The Kremlin routinely invokes the mythos of the Second World War to generate domestic support for its invasion of Ukraine and frame its conquest of Ukraine as part of a wider existential conflict with the West. Putin's rhetorical efforts to frame Russia as both a victim of Nazi aggression and the leader of its imagined anti-Nazi coalition tread a thin line that Putin likely hopes will appeal to both his ultranationalist constituency and the wider Russian population.

Key Takeaways

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin used his May 9 Victory Day speech to relitigate his belief that the West is attempting to erase the Soviet Union's contributions to defeating Nazi Germany during the Great Patriotic War (Second World War), a grievance that is at the core of Russia's adversarial perceptions of the West.

  • Putin seized on a recent meeting with the commanders of several frontline Russian formations to portray himself as an informed and effective Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces, aware of the intricacies of the frontline situation and involved in finding solutions to issues that plague Russian forces.

  • Putin surrounded himself with a number of foreign officials at the Victory Day parade, likely in order to posture himself as an effective statesman capable of galvanizing an alternative coalition to the power structures of the collective West.

  • Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Spokesperson Maria Zakharova claimed that the Moldovan government is engaged in a Nazi-like "genocide" in Moldova — a notable inflection in Kremlin officials' rhetoric about Moldova that is likely meant set conditions for a Russian effort to secure control over Moldova and not just some of its regions.

  • The leaders of the pro-Kremlin Moldovan Victory opposition electoral bloc attended the Victory Day parade in Moscow, further indicating that the Kremlin intends to use these actors to destabilize all of Moldova and attack Moldova's democracy and EU accession process.

  • Russian forces have markedly increased the rate of ground attacks in eastern Ukraine over the past month, likely reflecting current battlefield conditions and the intent of the Russian military command to secure gains before the arrival of Western military aid to the frontlines.

  • Russian border guards are withdrawing from much of Armenia as Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan continues to face domestic backlash for decisions regarding Nagorno-Karabakh.

  • The Kremlin may seek to capitalize on opposition outrage in Armenia to punish Pashinyan for increasingly pulling away from Russia.

  • Ukraine's Security Service (SBU) conducted long-range drone strikes against Russian oil depots and refinery infrastructure in Krasnodar Krai and the Republic of Bashkortostan on May 9.

  • Russian forces recently made confirmed advances near Avdiivka and Donetsk City.

  • Russian forces continue to struggle with discipline in their ranks, with some Russian soldiers reportedly killing other members of their units.

Click here to read the full assessment.

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