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[ISW] 러시아 공세 캠페인 평가, 2024년 3월 6일

by Summa posted Mar 07, 2024


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  • 우크라이나 지상군 사령관 올렉산드르 파블리우크 중장은 3월 6일에 우크라이나가 주도권을 잡고 2024년에 불특정한 반격 작전을 수행하려고 할 것이라고 밝혔습니다.
  • 러시아군은 3월 5일부터 6일 밤과 3월 6일에 우크라이나를 표적으로 한 비교적 대규모의 드론과 미사일 공격을 수행했으며, 그 중에는 우크라이나 대통령 볼로디미르 젤렌스키가 그리스 총리 키리아코스 미초타키스와 방문하는 동안 오데사 시를 공격한 것도 포함됩니다.
  • 크렘린 관리들은 우크라이나에 대한 서방의 지원을 약화시키고 우크라이나에 대한 서방의 지원을 억제하기 위한 러시아의 정보 작전의 일환으로 핵 위협을 계속해서 언급하고 있습니다.
  • 국제원자력기구(IAEA) 사무총장 라파엘 그로시와 러시아 대통령 블라디미르 푸틴은 3월 6일 러시아 소치에서 자포리지아 원자력 발전소(ZNPP)의 안전과 핵 확산 금지 문제에 대해 논의했습니다.
  • 러시아 대통령 블라디미르 푸틴은 3월 6일 친러 몰도바 자치구 가가우지아의 주지사 예브게니아 구츠울과 만나 가가우지아에 대한 러시아의 지원을 강조했습니다.
  • 몰도바는 3월 6일에 냉전 시대의 재래식 전력 조약(CFE)을 중단했습니다.
  • 우크라이나 주요 군사 정보국(GUR)은 3월 6일에 쿠르스크 주의 광산 가공 공장에 드론 공격을 가한 것으로 알려졌습니다.
  • 아르메니아는 러시아 주도의 집단 안보 조약 기구(CSTO)에 대한 참여를 줄인 것을 제외하고는 러시아와의 양자 안보 협력을 줄이기 위한 제한적인 조치를 취하고 있는 것으로 보입니다.
  • 러시아군은 최근 쿠피얀스크와 도네츠크 시, 자포리지아 주 서부에서 확실한 진전을 이루었습니다.
  • 러시아 법 체계는 러시아의 범죄 사법 제도를 이용하여 러시아의 모집 기반을 확대하기 위한 노력을 계속하고 있습니다.
분류: 군사, 정치, 외교 관련된 주요국가: 우크라이나, 러시아, 몰도바 향후 전망: 러시아와 우크라이나 간의 전쟁은 계속될 것으로 예상되며, 러시아는 우크라이나에 대한 공격을 계속할 것으로 보입니다. 우크라이나는 서방의 지원을 받아 러시아의 공격에 저항하고 있지만, 전쟁은 장기화될 것으로 예상됩니다.


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Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment

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Angelica Evans, Riley Bailey, Nicole Wolkov, Karolina Hird, and George Barros

March 6, 2024, 5:20pm ET

Click here to see ISW's interactive map of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This map is updated daily alongside the static maps present in this report.

Click here to see ISW’s 3D control-of-terrain topographic map of Ukraine. The use of a computer (not a mobile device) is strongly recommended for accessing this data-heavy tool.

Click here to access ISW’s archive of interactive time-lapse maps of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. These maps complement the static control-of-terrain maps that ISW produces daily by showing a dynamic frontline.

Ukrainian Ground Forces Commander Lieutenant General Oleksandr Pavlyuk stated on March 6 that Ukraine will try to seize the initiative and conduct unspecified counteroffensive actions in 2024. Pavlyuk stated that Ukrainian forces will aim to stabilize the frontline while degrading Russian forces in order to rotate frontline Ukrainian units to training grounds in the rear for replenishment and restoration. Pavlyuk stated that this will allow Ukraine to create a grouping of forces that will conduct unspecified counteroffensive actions (possibly but not necessarily counteroffensive operations) in 2024. Pavlyuk stated that Russian forces are concentrating offensive efforts near Avdiivka, in the direction of Chasiv Yar (west of Bakhmut), and in the Lyman direction and that Russian forces are trying to maintain a relatively high tempo of offensive operations along the frontline in order to retain the theater-wide initiative. Pavlyuk stated that Russian forces are currently suffering significant losses and assessed that Ukrainian forces will stabilize the frontline in the near future. A Ukrainian effort to contest the initiative in 2024 is operationally sound. Russia will be able to determine the location, time, scale, and requirements of fighting in Ukraine as long as it retains the theater-wide initiative, which may allow Russia to force Ukraine to expend materiel and manpower in reactive defensive operations, denying Ukraine the ability to amass the materiel necessary for future counteroffensive operations. ISW continues to assess that it would be unwise for Ukraine to cede the advantage of the theater-wide initiative to Russia for longer than is necessary.

Continued delays in Western security assistance will likely postpone Ukrainian efforts to regain the theater-wide initiative, however. Materiel shortages are forcing Ukrainian forces to husband materiel and uncertainty about future assistance is likely constraining Ukrainian operational planning. Delays in crucial assistance will force Ukraine to make difficult decisions about how to allocate resources between future operationally significant counteroffensive operations and ongoing Ukrainian defensive operations against Russian attackers who currently hold the initiative. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky recently stated that Ukrainian forces are planning to conduct counteroffensive operations in 2024 but stressed that Ukraine’s primary objective remains the defense of Ukrainian territory. Zelensky has also stated that Russia is preparing a new offensive effort that will start in late May or summer 2024, which would likely further postpone opportunities for Ukraine to prepare and launch counteroffensive operations. Well-provisioned Ukrainian forces have proven capable of preventing even marginal Russian gains during large-scale Russian offensive efforts and are capable of heavily degrading attacking Russian forces. Western security assistance is crucial for both Ukraine’ ability to concentrate material and manpower for future counteroffensive operations as well as its ability to degrade Russian offensive efforts sufficiently enough so that Ukraine can seize the theater wide initiative.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ukrainian Ground Forces Commander Lieutenant General Oleksandr Pavlyuk stated on March 6 that Ukraine will try to seize the initiative and conduct unspecified counteroffensive actions in 2024.

  • Russian forces conducted a relatively larger series of drone and missile strikes targeting Ukraine on the night of March 5 to 6 and on March 6, including strikes on Odesa City during Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

  • Kremlin officials continue to invoke nuclear threats as part of ongoing Russian information operations aimed at weakening Western support for Ukraine and deterring Western aid to Ukraine.

  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director Rafael Grossi and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the security of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) and nuclear non-proliferation issues on March 6 in Sochi, Russia.

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin met with the governor of pro-Russian Moldovan autonomous region Gagauzia, Yevgenia Gutsul, on March 6 and emphasized Russia’s support for Gagauzia.

  • Moldova suspended the Cold War-era Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) Treaty on March 6.

  • The Ukrainian Main Military Intelligence Directorate (GUR) reportedly conducted a drone strike on a mining and processing plant in Kursk Oblast on March 6.

  • Armenia appears to be taking limited measures to reduce its bilateral security cooperation with Russia outside of its reduced participation in the Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

  • Russian forces recently made confirmed advances near Kupyansk and Donetsk City and in western Zaporizhia Oblast.

  • The Russian legal system continues efforts to use the Russian criminal justice system to augment Russia’s recruitment base.

Click here to read the full assessment.

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